Taking control in a crisis

Jodi Bush
2 min readJun 8, 2022

A lot of fear mongering goes on across the internet. Something I have dubbed Crisis Clickbait.

Over the last few years it has swerved between terrorism, Trump, the environment, and Pandemic… with a few additional crises sprinkled in between. It can feel relentless and terrifying, which is no wonder since it preys on our natural instinct to protect ourselves.

As humans we are programmed to pay more attention to danger — no matter how remote that danger might actually be. And the media capitalises on that biological wiring by selling us fear. Jump onto any outlet right now and it’s 24/7 crisis reporting. Because that’s what attracts our attention.

So what can you do about this?

Well, the first thing is to get it in perspective and a good way to do this is get clear on what sits within your control and influence. Take the pandemic. What do you have control over? Washing your hands. Keeping yourself healthy. Getting vaccinated. Choosing where you get your information from. And what can you influence? Your children’s hygiene. Your conversations with friends. Beyond that very little.

Your anxiety will not eradicate the world of viruses, terrorism or climate change. You can not worry your self (or the world) to a positive outcome. So rather than wasting your time and energy on things outside your sphere of influence, focus on what you do have control over.

Simply ask yourself “is this something I can influence?”

If the answer is yes, then consider what positive action you can take. If no, then remind yourself it is just your fear talking and to let it go. It may feel like you are doing something by thinking about it, but you aren’t. You are just fuelling your stress.

Remember — if it doesn’t lead to positive action then it’s unproductive.



Jodi Bush

I’m an executive coach and organisational change consultant with a focus on developing humanistic leadership and creating people led organisations.